Plate Side Lunge, Squat Knee To Elbow, Frog Squats, Plate Over Head Squats

Plate Side Lunge, Squat Knee To Elbow, Frog Squats, Plate Over Head Squats

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1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Make a step out to the side trAbsfering your weight to that leg. Using your lead foot push yourself back to the starting position. 2. Coming into a squat, engage your core. Stand and lift your left knee into your right elbow. 3. Stand with your feet wider that shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and pushing your hips back get into a squat. Squat down until your Thighs are parallel to the ground and your fingers can touch the floor.

Muscle groups:

Gluteus, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Triceps, Hamstrings, Thighs, Biceps


No Equipment

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